Monday, January 19, 2009

My first speeding ticket

It's true. I got my first speeding ticket last week. And there are witnesses (Mary, Andy, Shawn) that are more than willing to tell the tale.

Maybe I should ask Danny how traffic school works :)


  1. I'd given up looking at your blog a while ago. Luckily, boredom was big today, so I got to see you actually updated!! Good to know you're happily married, well employed and being rewarded with trips to Mexico. Oh, the complaint was noted about owning a place with "only" two rooms. Its a tough life :) . We couldn't be happier for you.

  2. Mmmm traffic school. I love nostalgia.

  3. Sure do miss Utah County where they actually offer traffic school! That was like a second home to me!!! Thanks for finally updating... keep up the good work!
